Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Al-Irsyad (JPMA) is a scientific journal from various disciplines that contains activities in overcoming general issues related to service to the community. JPMA is a journal for the development and application of science and technology that contains publications of the results of community service activities, models or concepts and their implementation in order to increase community participation in development, community empowerment or implementation of community service. The purpose of the publication of this service journal is to disseminate conceptual thoughts or ideas and the results of service that have been carried out in service to the community. JPMA is published by UPT PPM STIKES Al Irsyad Al Islamiyyah Cilacap twice a year (April and October).

Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Al-Irsyad (JPMA, p-ISSN:2685-7340, e-ISSN:2656-0569 https://e-jurnal.universitasalirsyad.ac.id/index.php/jpma) is a national online newsletter as Media to communicate various disciplines that contains activities in overcoming general issues related to service to the community.

Publication schedule: April and October | more info
Language: Indonesia
APC: IDR 200.000  (publishing) | more info
Indexing: Google ScholarCrossrefGaruda 

Order Hardcopy: For Ordering the Print Version of the Journal can also be done by email jpma.stikesaiaic@gmail.com or WA (+6282242097617)
Publisher :
University Al-Irsyad Cilacap  of Central Java Province

Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): Volume 4. Nomor 2., Oktober 2022

Published: 2025-02-11

Edukasi Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut Ibu Hamil pada Kader Posyandu di Desa Gedongan, Baki, Sukoharjo (Kader Cerdas, Ibu Tak Cemas)

Ana Riolina Ana Riolina, Vinami Yulian Vinami Yulian, Dhiya’ Nada Putri Dhiya’ Nada Putri, Syafira Alma Raudhia Syafira Alma Raudhia


Pemanfaatan Sampah Organik Sebagai Eco-Enzym Untuk Mengurangi Pencemaran Lingkungan Di Kelurahan Sidanegara Kabupaten Cilacap

Tatang Tajudin Tatang Tajudin , Meli Septia Ningrum Meli Septia Ningrum, Annisa Fatikha Rizka Annisa Fatikha Rizka, Afrina Kartika Putri Afrina Kartika Putri, Septiana Indratmoko Septiana Indratmoko


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