Jurnal Kesehatan Al-Irsyad is a journal that publishes articles or research results and critical analysis studies related to nursing, midwifery and physiotherapy problems. Jurnal Kesehatan Al-Irsyad is published by UPT LPPM University  Al-Irsyad Cilacap twice a year (March and September). The mission of Jurnal Kesehatan Al-Irsyad is to disseminate and discuss scientific writings on nursing, midwifery and physiotherapy. This journal is intended as a communication medium for lecturers and people who have attention to nursing, midwifery and physiotherapy.

Jurnal Kesehatan-Al Irsyad  (JKA, p-ISSN:2086-0722, e-ISSN: 2549-6603, http://e-jurnal.universitasalirsyad.ac.id/index.php/jka) is a national online newsletter as Media to communicate research results related to nursing,midwifery,physiotherapy and public health.

Publication schedule: Maret and September | more info
Language: Indonesia
APC: IDR 350.000  (publishing) | more info
Accreditation (S4): Indonesian Ministry of Res. Tech. & Higher Edu. (No. 21/E/KPT/2018) | show decree
Indexing: SINTA , Google Scholar, One Search, Garuda 

Order Hardcopy: For Ordering the Print Version of the Journal can also be done by email jkastikesalirsyadclp@gmail.com or WA (+6285635371045)
Publisher :
University Al-Irsyad Cilacap  of Central Java Province

Vol. 7 No. 1 (2015): Vol. 7, No. 1 Edisi Maret 2015

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