Template pharmaqueous

  1. Article should be written in English or bahasa. Article is written by using Microsoft Word, with Times New Romans font and size 12, 1.5 spacing, 2 cm margins on all sides. Formula and equation are written by Microsoft Equation. A4 paper size, in a single column.
  2. Manuscript Components: (a) Article Title, (b) Author's Name (without title), (c) Author's Affiliate Address, (d) Abstract and Keywords, (e) Introduction, (f) Materials and Methods, (g) Results and Discussion, (H) Conclusions, (i) recommendation, (j) Thank-you note and (k) Bibliography
  3. Manuscript should be prepared using Pharmaqueous TEMPLATE.


ARTICLE TITLE: The title of the article should be written briefly and clearly, and must indicate precisely the problem to be elaborated, giving no diverse interpretive opportunities, written entirely in capital letters symmetrically. Article titles should not contain unusual word abbreviations. Put forward the main idea of a new article followed by another explanation.

ABSTRACT: Abstracts are written in English and Indonesia. The number of words is limited to a maximum of 250. The abstract contains a summary of the article, covering the background, purpose and scope of the study, the method used, the summary of the findings and conclusions. English keywords of 3-5 keywords are inserted after the English abstract. Each keyword is separated by a comma (,).

INTRODUCTION: Introduction must contain (in sequence) general background, previous literature review as the basis of the scientific novelty statement of the article, gap analysis or scientific novelty statement, research problem or hypothesis, problem-solving approach and the purpose of review of the article. In the format of scientific articles is not allowed a literature review as in the research report, but manifested in the form of previous literature review to show the scientific novelty of the article.

MATERIAL AND METHOD: The research method describes the stages of research / development undertaken to achieve the objectives / targets of research. Each stage is briefly described (eg each step in a paragraph). Also inform the materials / platforms used in the study, including the subjects / materials studied, the auxiliary tools / software used, the design or experiment used, the sampling technique, the test plan (the variable to be measured and the data retrieval technique), analysis and statistical model used.

RESULT AND DISCUSSION: Results and discussion contain the findings of research/ development and discussion scientifically. Write down the scientific findings obtained from the results of research that has been done but must be supported by adequate data. The scientific findings referred to here are not the results of the research data obtained. These scientific findings should be explained scientifically include: What scientific findings are obtained? Why did it happen? Why is the trend of such variables? All such questions should be explained scientifically, not only descriptively, if necessary supported by sufficient scientific basic phenomena. In addition, it should also be compared to the results of other researchers who are almost the same topic. The results of research and findings should be able to answer the research hypothesis in the introduction. In this chapter it is also advisable to write down the implications of both theoretical and implementation results.

CONCLUSIONS: Conclusions simply answer the hypothesis and / or research objectives or scientific findings obtained. The conclusions do not contain the repetition of the results and discussion, but rather to summarize the findings as expected in the objectives or hypotheses. If necessary, at the end of the conclusion can also be written the things that will be done related to the next idea of the study.


Recommendation (if any) are written in narrative form and should relate to the research you have done. If you don't want to make suggestions, there's no need to write this chapter.

Thank-you note

This chapter should be written in order to appreciate the parties who have help you and also avoid plagiarism and claims of your research by others. Acknowledgments can be addressed to people who have helped in the research, mentors research, and especially the sponsor/funder of your research

BIBLIOGRAPHY: All references referred to in the text of the article must be registered at the Bibliography. References should contain reference libraries originating from primary sources (scientific journals) published in the last 10 (ten) years. Each article contains at least 10 (ten) bibliographic references. Writing referral system in article text and bibliography should use reference management application program for example: Mendeley, EndNote, or Zotero, or others.